DevAiders Day brought us an unforgettable Musical Trivia Night, filled with laughter, great vibes, and some serious competition!
Speed Networking Session 2025
Discover how our Speed Networking Session helped colleagues connect through quick, meaningful one-on-one conversations.
Christmas Party 2024 – Dirty Dancing Theme
Relive the 80s magic at our Dirty Dancing-themed Christmas Party! It was an unforgettable celebration.
Christmas Charity Drive – AO La VIA
We recently held a charity drive for AO La VIA! The collected funds were donated at their Yardsale. Thank you all for spreading holiday cheer!
First Aid Training Session
We held a First Aid Training session, learning to handle emergencies, perform CPR, and recognize critical conditions. Thanks to all who joined in building a safer workplace!
Celebrating Halloween – Trivia Night!
Spooky fun at Halloween Trivia Night! Congrats to team Black Cats for their eerie win, and thanks to all who joined.
Celebrating Children’s Day – Trivia Night!
Celebrate Children’s Day with us as 5 teams compete in a fun Trivia Night filled with childhood favorites. Congrats to the winners of the funny puzzles!
International Family Day
Check out our International Family Day event, where participants shared heartwarming photos and received framed memories.
International Pets Day
Celebrating International Pets Day. DevAiders shared adorable photos of their beloved pets and received custom stickers as a token of the day’s festivities.
Mariam Kvizhinadze
We’re thrilled to introduce Mariam Kvizhinadze from our Corporate Sales team! Dive into her fascinating journey as she shares her interests.
Приглашение к сотрудничеству
DevelopmentAid приглашает к сотрудничеству работодателей в рамках программы NRC по трудоустройству беженцев из Украины и представителей местного населения, проживающих в Окнице, Дондюшанах, Дрокии, Единцах, Рышканах, Сороках, Бричанах и Кишиневе. Cпециальные преимущества для работодателей: Экономия времени и ресурсов: Поможем в поиске и подборе подходящих кандидатов. Поддержка на всех этапах трудоустройства: Предоставим помощь в планировании собеседований, подписании […]
Программа трудоустройства – 2024
Норвежский Совет по Делам Беженцев (NRC) — независимая некоммерческая гуманитарная организация, которая помогает перемещенным лицам, беженцам и общинам, пострадавшим от перемещения и конфликтов. NRC Молдова объявляет о запуске программы трудоустройства в рамках реализации своей программы по обеспечению средств к существованию в Кишиневе и северных городах Молдовы. Программа финансируется Федеральным министерством иностранных дел Германии (GFFO) и […]
Celebrating DevAiders Day Trivia Night!
Experience the excitement of DevAiders Day Trivia Night! Join the fun with six teams, pizza, and camaraderie. Congratulations to Team 6 for their victory!
Speed Networking Session 2024
Speed Networking Session 2024 – an engaging event where DevAiders connected through meaningful one-on-one conversations!
Harry Potter Christmas Party
Step into the world of wizards at our Harry Potter Christmas Party! From personalized wands and spell-casting to awards, costumes, and magical surprises. Join us for a memorable celebration that brings the magic of Hogwarts to life!
Being a DevelopmentAid Member
Joining DevelopmentAid isn’t just about finding a place to work, it’s about gaining access to a thriving ecosystem designed to enhance your career path.
Alex Antohii
Meet Alex Antohii – our highly motivated and active colleague. Read his story in our #KnowYourColleague section.
DevelopmentAid Recruitment Workflow
If you are interested in joining our company, be sure to read this article. This will help you better understand our recruitment processes.
Halloween Party
At DevelopmentAid, Halloween is a cherished tradition. This year, our MD and GE teams went head-to-head in a spirited Halloween showdown
Salome Tchelidze
Meet Salome Tchelidze – our Career Advisor! Read her story and know more about her hobbies and life experiences in our #KnowYourColleague section.