DevelopmentAid @Career Talks

Last week, DevelopmentAid had the opportunity to support and participate in a very informative event – CareerTalks. If you’re wondering what it is about, then you would be pleased to know that it is a cycle of meetings for young adults pondering on their career choice. During CareerTalks, they have the chance to evaluate their options in a specific field, which is different at each meeting. By interacting with speakers from the domain, they are encouraged to elucidate all of their career-oriented questions and interact with each other, thus having a clear and practical vision of what it means to be an expert in the field.

Last Tuesday’s event focused on careers built online. Thus, speakers from the marketing, trading, copywriting, and drop shipping businesses shared their expertise and insights with participants. Since we at DevelopmentAid love networking and being close to talented people, we partnered up with the event, while simultaneously introducing our company and vacancies to participants through direct interaction and distributing promotional materials.

We believe that our company is based on continuous development and growth, and therefore, we aim to increase our participation and presence in networking and knowledge-enhancing events. It is a great opportunity to break beyond traditional communication channels and creatively enhance our visibility on our growing domestic market.