DevAiders organized an unforgettable festive day (1st June) for the children from the Centrul Casa Sperantei in Falesti!
News & Events
How To Overcome Anxiety
We are thrilled to share the highlights of our recent event, “How to Overcome Anxiety,” which took place last week.
Iulia Tabirta
#KnowYourColleague! Meet Iulia Tabirta – our new Corporate Recruiter! Find out about her hobbies and interests on our blog.
Easter Wreaths Masterclass
Read about the Easter Wreaths Masterclass led by Eugenia Botezatu on the 8th of April.
Luminita Godiac
As we continue with our #KnowYourColleague series, we invite you to meet Luminita Godiac from our Chisinau office and explore her passion for ballroom dancing and raw-vegan desserts.
Daiana Chikhladze
Meet our colleague Daiana Chikhladze from the Tbilisi office and discover her interest in international relations and travel as we continue our #KnowYourColleague series.