For the next installment of our series #KnowYourColleague, we are featuring Vladislav Golban. A Manual QA Engineer by day, Vladislav enjoys playing table tennis and collecting antique coins in his free time.
Mariam Gordeladze
Within our series, #KnowYourColleague, we bring you the next article that features our colleague, Mariam Gordeladze. She is now a recruiter in DRS but has quite a story to tell about her time exploring Budapest and how meeting new people led to unforgettable experiences and how living there taught her to become a better person.
Sumit Manwani
Within our series, #KnowYourColleague, we now bring the next article that features our colleague, Sumit Manwani. He is a Business Development Manager in the Corporate Sales Department but in his free time he explores new locations through the lens of his camera. Photography has always had a huge impact on his life, pushing him to go on adventures to picturesque cities and break out of his comfort zone.
Daniil Filipenco
Our colleague, Daniil Filipenco, is a Digital Communication Manager and a copywriter in the Marketing Department but in his free time he’s passionate about sport, literature and music. Invested from a young age, he quickly became captivated by football and the friends he’s made along the way have made the experience all the more valuable.
DevelopmentAid DecAiders
Long-tenured employees are a strong sign of healthy and prosperous corporate culture. Indeed, when a worker stays five or more years with a company, it becomes a space of growth and psychological well-being for newcomers. At DevelopmentAid, we are proud to have a number of people who spent more than a decade of their career with us. We call them DecAiders, and today we celebrate their effort and progress in the company.
Effective Communication Series 2022
We brought back the series of meetings titled “Effective communication and well-being at work”. This is a follow up of Public Speaking sessions from 2021, where we learnt to prepare and deliver speeches and improved our improvisation skills in Table Topics and Social Role Play games. How do we express ourselves so the other person […]