Referral program: how to source new talent

Recommendation program aka employee referral is a program employers have implemented to encourage employees to recommend candidates for jobs at the company in exchange for a bonus. These programs benefit both the employer and current/past employees.

Benefits for Current Employees

Not only would employees receive 150 euros compensation for a successful candidate, allowing current employees to recruit their friends or family members for open positions is also powerful way to create an engaged workforce. Current employees feel trusted and valued since they are participating in the company’s future and growth. If their referral gets the job, they feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

Benefits for Past Employees

It is not common practice, but here, at DevelopmentAid, we maintain friendly relationships with our ex-employees, which means the referral program applies to them, as well. So even though you may not work for us anymore, you can still make an easy buck.

Benefits for Employers

A recommendation program is a good way to help ensure the company is recruiting top talent for available positions. It’s working on the assumption that current employees are uniquely qualified to identify the best candidates since they know the organization inside out. Employees may have friends or colleagues they know to be talented and who would fit nicely into the company culture.

That being said it is worth mentioning that a referral will not create any special conditions for a candidate. Our recruiting processes and filters apply in the same manner for each candidate, regardless of the source.