Nia Gogitashvili

#KnowYourColleague – with this series of articles we highlight our colleagues’ hobbies and their stories. We aim to create a safe space where everyone is welcome to bond and share their adventures as we grow as a community.

Our new colleague Nia Gogitashvili works as an Individual Support Manager in the Customer Support.

Since childhood, Nia has been an overly energetic and restless person. She doesn’t like to stay still and has to move or do something all the time. Nia has completed a bachelor's degree in international relations from the University of Georgian Institute of Public Affairs.

Like all people, she loves to travel and from a very young age, she had to travel back and forth. Her favorite destination is Italy.

As for interests, she has many of them. One of her main interests is the cinematography. Not just watching movies, but more on a professional level. Nia has studied French New Wave Cinematography for a long time now.

Foreign languages are another of Nia’s great passions. She is fluent in English, Russian, German, and Spanish at a conversational level.

Nia also loves any kind of extreme sports where a person can feel a big dose of adrenaline.

It's been a year and a half since she graduated from university, and her future plans include a master's degree in Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management.