Since DevelopmentAid migrated to a work-from-home setting, we’ve all been faced with plenty of time in our houses. For many of us, this brought on a boost of creativity. Hobbies were revived, new art directions were pursued, and inevitably, many dishes were cooked! This made us very curious about the culinary masterpieces our DevAiders experimented with, so we’ve launched an online challenge with the #devaidfoodies hashtag. We gathered a lot of responses, and were impressed with our colleagues’ skill and culinary talents 🙂
Creations by Kate Neliuba, Dumitrita Stancu, and Ana Marin (clockwise from left to right)Sent in by Alexandru DumitrasSent in by Andrea CarpovSent in by Sanda Mihailov
Main Course
Creations by Vitalie Bulat, Olesea Vareaghin, Ludmila Gogu, and Stela Boico (clockwise from left to right)Sent in by Lilian RussuSent in by Irina CalinchinSent in by Cristina TcaciSent in by Natalia Caraji (and Gordon Ramsey)Sent in by Andrian MorarescoSent in by Natalia OchincaSent in by Maria VorobcaloSent in by Alexandru Dumitras
Whole Meal
Sent in by Madiya MohammadiSent in by Ana RusuSent in by Diana BotnariSent in by Ana Zgardan
Desserts sent in by Dumitrita Stancu, Nadia Ostrova, Eugenia Botezatu, and Marina Tabora (clockwise from left to right)Sent in by Alla UzunSent in by Cristina BadarauSent in by Diana Botnari