
Career Forum: meet potential employers

Summer is already here and it’s time to check new job opportunities! Meet DevelopmentAid, listen to our in-house motivational speaker and learn more about our company at the 2nd edition of the Career Forum in Moldova. Are you done with your exams or soon graduating? Looking for a new job opportunity or just curious to […]


DevelopmentAid at YouthSpeak Forum

On May 12th YouthSpeak Forum, an event which is part of the Youth4GlobalGoals Campaign, concluded in Chisinau, at Tekwill. DevelopmentAid, a golden partner of the event, held speed interviews and facilitated a workshop on technology for the participating youth. More than 350 young people participated at YouthSpeak Forum, which is a premiere event that brings […]


YouthSpeak: technology to reach sustainable growth

DevelopmentAid: Gold Sponsor of YouthSpeak Forum 2018 DevelopmentAid will be participating at the YouthForum as a sponsor and presenter. Our delegate, Ecaterina Lutisina, Digital Communication Manager, will be discussing how technology can help the world achieve the sustainable development goals. We’re standing for Goal #8: roughly half the world’s population still lives on the equivalent of about US$2 […]