At DevelopmentAid, the month of February was laced with … you guessed it – love! Whether it was romantic, platonic, or ironic, love was everywhere the past month. We’ve had a Love Box for our loved-up employees’ cards and we’ve had anti-love cookies for those who don’t believe in the cheesiness of Valentine’s Day. And of course, love was more than present at our monthly event, Beer Friday. This time, we decided to honor this wonderful sentiment and structure our activities around it.

We started off by honoring our colleague Rafael Alessandro Romo Mulas with his 1-year work anniversary and celebrated his tenure at DevelopmentAid. Meanwhile, all attendees had the chance to enroll for our Love Lottery and try out their luck!

However, the real star of the show was our Love Quiz, a trivia game played in teams where participants had to answer questions from love-themed topics like “Love my Planet”, “Music”, “Love like in the Movies”, etc. We had 5 strong teams – Love is Pain, VoronaCirus, Venus, Love Fist, and Friend Zone competing with each other in 7 tough rounds, with the winner being the “VoronaCirus” group. Congratulations!

For the end, we have reserved the playout and announcement of lottery results, with love-themed prizes! Overall, we’re sure that our Love Beer Friday brought on a lot of joy and appreciation for our work and colleagues, and energized us for the coming spring. We hope it inspires you and offers you unforgettable experiences 🙂