Blockchain for Development: The Future Now

  • Start: October 10, 2018 6:00 pm
  • End: October 10, 2018 8:30 pm

Strada Ion Nistor, Chișinău, Moldova
Tickets Available: 120 Price: $Free

Technologies old and new are propelling the current wave of innovation around the world. Artificial intelligence, robotics, and machine learning are all gaining new ground and being deployed in a wide variety of contexts globally. One of the more cryptic but oft-hyped technologies is Blockchain, an emergent technology developed as part of Bitcoin, the cryptocurrency invented in 2008. Whereas Artificial Intelligence and robotics innovations seem to have a dark side, many perceive Blockchain technology as a platform for positive and even radical change.

Exploring the relevance of new technologies to address existing socio-economic gaps and support internationally agreed development targets including the globally-recognized Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) is critical. The question for developing countries is not only how this could be workable but also who could be involved in harnessing Blockchain technologies to close development gaps. In the realm of international development, blockchains are already improving livelihoods, facilitating good governance, and helping establish rights among poor communities. Understanding the technology itself is less important than understanding its enormous potential for public and global good.

The Blockchain for Development Forum is a one-day event that brings together the technology implementers, innovators and influencers in Blockchain, alongside with delegates from bilateral and multilateral donors and other international organisations, senior decision makers and stakeholders, to discuss the potential of this industry-changing technology.

Does Blockchain technology really possess the potential to transform international development sectors ranging from Financial to Health and Agriculture? Can it offer tangible value beyond digital currencies? This event will attempt to cut through the hype and evaluate the potential of this technology on everything from remittances to supply chain management, voting practices, smart contracts, land titling, educational credentialing, health record storage, and more. We will also consider policy and regulatory frameworks, validation models, security concerns, limitations of access/digital literacy, and the many other constraints facing this nascent movement. Meet and share the experience with your potential partners/investors/donors with an interest in the intersection of Blockchain and international development.


• Create an opportunity where the global international development community will learn about decentralized digital ledger technology, main use cases, and potential applications, as well as the risks of Blockchain technology. We will learn from like-minded practitioners who are effectively making use of Blockchain to address global development challenges.

• Provide a facilitated opportunity for participants to explore new ideas and partnership opportunities to expand the scale of Blockchain for international development efforts, its evolution, real-world use cases and implementations, its potential to change the future, and how governments and industry can turn that potential into reality.


Blockchain for Development Forum will bring you some of today’s most compelling and sought after thought-speakers, representing the International Organizations, IT and Blockchain specialists as they share their insight on utilizing Blockchain and DLT to transform the International Development.


Participants are expected to be 100+ delegates from Government, MDBs and other international organizations, United Nations agencies, national institutions, development partners, academia, civil society, the private sector, Senior Decision Makers and International Development Professionals.


Introduction to Blockchain; Fourth Industrial Revolution; IoT; Blockchain and Sustainable Development; Smart Contracts; Decentralized Data; Social Credits; Self-Sovereign Identity; Aid Transparency

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