
@RUNdemia Online Marathon

Even though the pandemic has put a slight stop on gatherings, our DevAiders still found a way to take part in a running marathon! If you think this sounds impossible in light of current restrictions, there is a safe way. This summer, Sporter organized the first-of-a-kind online marathon, called RUNdemia. The concept was unique, reuniting […]


Online Interviews – The Wave of the Future

Due to this year’s COVID-19 developments, many business procedures had to be adjusted. Recruitment wasn’t an exception, the process going through significant changes – due to restrictions, how do we make face-to-face interviews possible? As you have probably guessed it, they have mostly changed to a virtual format now. This implies carrying out the discussion […]


#Devaidfoodies Challenge

Since DevelopmentAid migrated to a work-from-home setting, we’ve all been faced with plenty of time in our houses. For many of us, this brought on a boost of creativity. Hobbies were revived, new art directions were pursued, and inevitably, many dishes were cooked! This made us very curious about the culinary masterpieces our DevAiders experimented […]


DevelopmentAid is #workingfromhome!

2020 came around with much anticipation, both for a fresh start of a new decade and hopes for a better year. Nevertheless, one of the most unexpected turns since the beginning of 2020 was the rapid spread of COVID-19. What started out as an unknown virus quickly made its way into society and brought on […]